Story: A family entertainer with comedy background. Can be said a multistarer. The director delivered a good moral value. But the comedy was just average and nothing much about the storyline. A good friendship story and sweet romance. A little bit of politics masala. The plotting was unorganized. Just an average family entertainer.
Cast: Vimal and Sivakarthikeyan played the lead man as best friends. Vimal played Kedi Kesavan @ theni while Siva played Pathai murugan. Both played comical role. Unemployed youths who wants venture into politics. For vimal, nothing new about his character. Just like Kalavani's role. But I feel he dominated movie compared to sivakarthikeyan. While siva and his dialogues with ample of humour to make all laugh. But maybe he don't have much scope to show his acting skill in the movie. we can expect more in ethir neechal. Bindhu Madhavi played vimal's lady love while regina cassandra played siva's lady love. Both of them had an awesoe characterisation. They'll be quite a lot of surprise in Bindhu's role. And regina is so adorable. Parotta Soori handled the major comedy part and he is the best at it. He never fails to make people laugh with his spontaneous lines.
Screenplay: First flaws i realized was the movie had a bad editting. there were few scenes in the movie, especially conversation part were it did not have proper continuation or links. Comedy scenes was good but it could have done even better. Nice song picturizing. Had a good climax with a meaningful message. But prior to that the movie just running out of control with no direction. The romance between Regina and Siva was well done. But vimal's scenes tried to dominate siva's part quite a lot eventhough was not that interesting.
Plus Point: Comedy, Heroines, Moral Value
Minus Point: Story and editing
Verdict: Overall the movie was not the best of Pandiraj but not bad and suitable to be watched with family members.